Toll Bridge Business
— June 16, 2013- Waste Management (W)
- Electricity providers (W)
- Cell Phone Carrier (M)
- Cable Provider (M)
- Gas Pipelines (W)
- Railways (W)
- Internet Service Providers (W)
- Web Hosting Companies (N)
- CDN (N)
- Search Engines (N)
- Credit Cards [Visa/MasterCard/AMEX] (W)
- Transactional Exchanges [ebay] (M)
- Courier Servie (FedEx/DHL) (M)
- App/Music/Movie Store (Goog/Apple) (W)
- Retail Stores (COSTCO/Amazon/Walmart) (M)
Whats the winning charecterstics
- Live forever
- unregulated market
- low cost of maintenance
- dominant market position / marketshare
- high profitability / high ROIC
What you should watch out for
Big Brands need a fortunes to maintain and cost their owners in advertisement and other expenses
Bridges / Mediums which need constant maintenance and enhancements to keep up with other bridges ( low barrier to entry businesses )
Notes : All these business models are gateways, people pay money to use them.
some of the key concepts / terms to understand are
These business are GATEWAYS that people “PAY TOLL” to use the metaphorical bridge ( which can be one of the below ) for “MOVEMENT” of their goods or “TRAFFIC”.
Important question is – Why users of these bridges see no alternative to these bridges.
- Google – advertisers pay to place ads (advertisement gateway )
- ebay – transactional gateway
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